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We'll Get It Right Next Year: An Adventure in Cinema

Nov 25, 2017

We Bought a Zoo Episode 18/26



- We're freed from an unpleasant plot line, just in time I presume. 

- We make some overly specific wishes to evil djinns

- Rejoice, fan favorites Boy Fieri and Ishmael Tunes have returned

- Is it possible this zoo is a Willy Wonka-esque punishment factory? We'll find out next...

Nov 11, 2017

We Bought a Zoo 17/26



- Ollie is great, but Emily is still better

- We cuss a lot because it's Thanksgiving

- 5 S's, 2 Sons of B's and a D

- We're getting sued? NBD


Listen to Emily's show Best Acquaintances

Check out Ryan's other shows, Divisive Issues and Oops, I Talked Politics

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