Dec 23, 2017
We Bought a Zoo 20/26
-We Watched a Trailer!
-It wasn't as illuminating as we hoped :(
-John Michael Higgins is a sex pervert, well, his character is. I'm sure the man himself is fine
-Justin asks us a vital question about Mambo #5, skipping right pasts Mambos 1-4.
The trailer we watched is at
Dec 9, 2017
We Bought a Zoo 19/26
-I'm too tired to write any notes, play along at home by listening to the show and writing your own notes.
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Malcolm's podcast network is Comrade Radio, find them at
The Justice...
Nov 25, 2017
We Bought a Zoo Episode 18/26
- We're freed from an unpleasant plot line, just in time I presume.
- We make some overly specific wishes to evil djinns
- Rejoice, fan favorites Boy Fieri and Ishmael Tunes have returned
- Is it possible this zoo is a Willy Wonka-esque punishment factory? We'll find out next...
Nov 11, 2017
We Bought a Zoo 17/26
- Ollie is great, but Emily is still better
- We cuss a lot because it's Thanksgiving
- 5 S's, 2 Sons of B's and a D
- We're getting sued? NBD
Listen to Emily's show Best Acquaintances
Check out Ryan's other shows, Divisive Issues and Oops, I Talked Politics
Remember to buy our...
Oct 28, 2017
We Bought a Zoo 16/26
-Okay, I don't want to alarm you but...
-Seriously, don't freak out.
-Turn around slowly because...slowly
-There's a ghost on your arm.
Ryan Healey hosts the Tales from the Static podcast, check it out!
Listen to Michael's story with Pseudopod here: