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We'll Get It Right Next Year: An Adventure in Cinema

Oct 28, 2017

We Bought a Zoo 16/26


-Okay, I don't want to alarm you but...

-Seriously, don't freak out.

-Turn around slowly because...slowly

-There's a ghost on your arm. 


Ryan Healey hosts the Tales from the Static podcast, check it out! 

Listen to Michael's story with Pseudopod here: 

Oct 14, 2017

We Bought A Zoo 15/26 



-It's okay to let your kids listen to this one, we go through the entire alphabet so it's educational. 

-Okay but don't really let your kids listen, I talk about the logistic of eating farts in this one.

-I hope you're happy, James

-Oh yeah, I think we legitimately figured out a real...